THE IHI Vision

To further educate and empower future Rabbinical leaders worldwide

The IHI provides a personal online digital platform with the benefits of an advanced Halacha Kollel in Yerushalayim.


כִּ֚י מִצִּיּוֹן֙ תֵּצֵ֣א תוֹרָ֔ה וּדְבַר־יְהֹוָ֖ה מִירֽוּשָׁלָֽים

With IHI you can benefit from knowledge of a Team of Talmidei Chachomim and learn 

What you want!

When you want! 

Where you want!

”לעולם ילמוד אדם תורה במקום שלבו חפץ”

ע”ז יט

“אין אדם לומד אלא מה שלבו חפץ”

חפץ חיים משנ”ב תקנ”ג

A person’s main study should be in Halacha in order that he knows how to conduct himself.

– Mishnah Berurah 155:9. –

IHI Facilities & Services



You are not alone!

IHI’s team of expert Rabanim are ready to help you all along the way. We excel in providing a personal service to guide you through the entire process


Personal Timetable

We provide a personalized study program for you, tailor made to fit into your schedule. This facilitates maximum flexibility and maximum growth.


Monthly Tests and Assessments

Regular tests are set, and feedback along with a detailed assessment are provided to ascertain which areas study need to be focused on. This ensures that you will always stay on track with your goals.



IHI offers summaries on many areas of the material. This greatly aids understanding, memory and efficiency.


Maarei Mekomot

IHI offers guided sources from the Gedolei haPosskim that address modern halachic issues at hand. These ideas are further discussed in the shiurim.


Q&A Whatsapp Group

IHI hosts a Whatsapp group for you to ask any questions and discuss the topic participants are learning together with others.


Online Shiurim

Shiurim from our senior Rabbis ensure that subject matters are learned thoroughly and understood correctly so excellence can be achieved.


Credible Semicha

The IHI Semicha comes with Approbation from Gedolei Yisrael. We also prepare candidates for the Exams of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel should they choose to participate.


Affordable fees

IHI is a non-profit organization and all its proceeds go to cover its running costs. *If there is a group learning together then the tuition fees are considerably reduced.

Meet Our Qualified
IHI Team

Dayan Avraham Dadoun
Founder and Senior Director of IHI
Dayan of the Sephardi Beth Din of the United Kingdom,
Head of the "Birkat Shalom" Dayanim Kollel in “Darchei Horah Lerabanim” of the former chief rabbi of Israel Harav Mordechai Eliyahu Zt”l.
Dayan and Rabbi certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Rabbi Netanel Dadoun
• Senior Lecturer in Practical Training,
• Head of "Birkat Shlom" Bet Midrash and Kollel in Givat Zeev Israel
• Rabbi fully qualified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
• Experienced Rabbi and Lecturer in Israel and the Diaspora
Dayan Doron Alon
Head of IHI Dayanut Department
Av Beth Din at Eretz Chemdah.
Dayan and Rabbi certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Rosh Chabura of "Birkat Shalm Nissim" Dayanut kollel in Jerusalem.
Dayan Nachum Borshtein
Head of the IHI Rabbinical Department
Head of the IHI Correspondence – Halachik Meishiv
Expert in all areas of Halacha - all Four sections of Shulchan Aruch
Dayan and Rabbi certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Dayan David Amar
Head of IHI French Department
Graduate of the Birkat Shalom Nissim Kollel for Dayanim
Dayan and Rabbi certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Rabbi Asaf Kelagy
Senior Examiner of IHI
Graduate of the Bet Midrash “Darchei Horaah Lerabbanim”
Rabbi certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel

Which IHI Program is for you?


Be fully qualified to answer halachic questions in a wide range of different topics. 

We offer expert guidance in Shabbat, Nidda, Kashrut, Availut, Chuppa veKidushin and more


We train our Dayanim to a high standard and provide the necessary expertise to aid participants to become Qualified Dayanim with IHI.

*This program is available only for those who are already qualified Rabbis.


We provide our expertise to facilitate Halacha learning in a group setting. 

Give your kollel what it deserves with the manpower and resources of IHI.

Our practical training in Halacha will help take your Kollel to the next level.

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New Course


Focus your Chavruta learning by striving for greatness! With IHI you will develop your learning session to its full potential

Balei Batim

Coming Soon!

Download Our Curriculum (PDF, Hebrew Only)

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How do you gain your Semicha?

Stage One

Set your goal. Choose the halachic topic or topics you wish to study

Stage Two

Meet with the IHI team to set you a personal Program and fix tuition fee

Stage Three

Study with IHI until you are ready to take the Semicha exam

We are here to get you through it!

Letters of
Approbation / Hamlatzot

Rav Yosef Eliyahu

Gedolei Yisrael Support IHI

Harav Shlomo Amar

Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem

Harav David Lau

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel

Harav Yosef Eliyahu

Harav Yosef Eliyahu

Rosh Kolel of Darchei Horaah Lerabbanim

Rav Shmuel Pinchasi

Rav Shmuel Pinchasi

Rosh Kolel Halacha of Darchi David

Harav Meir Treiger

Rav of Givat Shaul, and CER Israel

Dayan Avraham David

Head of The Sephardic Beit Din London

Don't Take
Our Word For It

Eli Z (Los Angeles)
Eli Z (Los Angeles)

Baruch HaShem IHI has allowed me to take my Torah learning to a level I did not think was possible. Having a Rav available to guide me throughout the process and having   phenomenal bochen who gives specific advice on how to improve answering questions has gone a long way and helped me grow tremendously.

Mor I (Miami)
Mor I (Miami)

"You got it. Understood. Everything else that I have to make up. I’ll do my best. I’m very honored to have such a rav who can consult on the limud and accomplishment of the limud. I appreciate it very much and I hope and I plan on continuing with you on the next opportunities I have in learning IYH."

Avi (Israel)
Avi (Israel)

When I registered for the IHI, the efficient service had given me a proper target in my halacha learning. I have enjoyed my learning so much that I convinced my entire Kolel to join up!

Shmuel B (New York)
Shmuel B (New York)

The ability to continue learning seriously as though I am still in  high level Kollel, has been something that has been he greatest gift of my life. It has allowed me to excel in my Limud, in my Middot and to push the limits of what I thought I was capable of doing.
This would not have been possible without the assistance of Rabbi Dadoun and his administrators of the IHI, I look forward to continuing and expanding this to all others who could benefit!

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